");} ?> MetaEtch CNC PCB Milling Engraving Raster to Vector to Toolpath DXF to Gcode Converter This is a sample. Click New to upload other files."); include("sample.htm"); $iext=".gif"; $fname="tmp/".uniqid(""); @copy(getcwd()."/sample2.gif",getcwd()."/".$fname.".gif"); $fdtrue=1; }else if(($iext=strtolower(strrchr($upfile_name,'.')))&&is_image($iext)) {$fname=explode(".",$upfile_name);$fname="tmp/".urlencode($fname[0]); //if(file_exists($fname.$iext))$fname="tmp/".uniqid(""); if(!@copy($upfile,$fname.$iext)) {if($fdcontents=@file_get_contents($upfile_name)) {if($fd=fopen($fname.$iext,"wb")) {fwrite($fd,$fdcontents);fclose($fd);$fdtrue=1; }else echo("

upload failed: ".$upfile_name."
\ncouldn't write: ".$fname.$iext."

"); }else echo("

upload failed:: ".$upfile_name.":".$fname.$iext."

"); }else $fdtrue=1; } else {prompt("error: that's not a image file
:$upfile_name:");exit(1);} if($fdtrue) // just uploaded, set stat vars for original {if(is_bmp_image($iext)) {$tfname="o_".uniqid("").".bmp";$iext=".bmp"; // if !.gif||!.jpg||!.bmp then convert to bmp system(getcwd()."/../img/convert \"".getcwd()."/tmp/".$ufname."\" ".getcwd()."/tmp/".$tfname); }$loaded=true;$aspect=1; } ?> MetaEtch   Image to Vector to Toolpath Converter

Error: operation failed .

Engraving Stats
   Minima  Maxima  Size
X  0.000"  0.000"  0.000"
Y  0.000"  0.000"  0.000"
Outline Tool
Parting Tool ~ .015" Dia V tip
Pocket Tool
~ Dia.

Quantized Raster Preview: -.jpg

for cnc machine art, cnc router, engraver, sign cutter, plasma torch, laser, etc...

use Browse to select a dxf file on your computer
then hit upload
Then hit Upload ONE TIME, then wait
the process can take a while to complete
during which time, a blank screen may appear